Our Smarter Asset Strategy helps your assets earn you money every working hour of the day, giving you the flexibility and capability to grow your business without risking valuable capital in depreciating assets.
Our innovative and forward-thinking approach enables us to identify opportunities and provide solutions for all your passenger transport needs without worrying about diminishing residual value and the cost of upkeep, maintenance, and compliance of your vehicles.
A versatile range of modern and high-quality vehicles, equipped with cutting-edge technology, are available serviced, maintained and funded, and competitive finance solutions are available through Dawsongroup finance. Our Smarter Asset Strategy will streamline your procedures and provide your business with the flexibility it needs whilst ensuring maximum up-time of your vehicles.
If you need a specialist, non-standard vehicle, we will work closely with you to provide you with the best bespoke solution to fit your need.
Our customers are represented across every industry of the road passenger transport sector, including major UK bus groups, local authorities, bus and coach operators, UK airports, schools, care homes, and local bus companies.
Steve Bailey, Service Delivery Manager North, reflects on the last ten years of his career with Dawsongroup. What has been the most rewarding experience working at Dawsongroup? I’ve been working ...