The All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Road Passenger Transport Industry (APPG) is appealing for donations of vehicles to help provide passenger transport to recently liberated areas of Ukraine.
In an effort being coordinated by the APPG, the group’s lead Parliamentary members – including Lord Berkeley and Lord Snape – met with representatives of the Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership to launch an appeal for donations of any unwanted buses and coaches in the UK. The group is working together with Network Rail and aims to have any donated vehicles converted into mobile medical centres to assist the injured and those who cannot now access emergency medical treatment.
As a leading member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group, Dawsongroup bus and coach provides organisational support for the APPG’s activities and is adding its voice to appeal to all companies who can provide surplus vehicles to support Ukraine at this difficult time.
Paul Sainthouse, Managing Director of Dawsongroup bus and coach and secretary of the APPG, said, “This is a great way for the bus and coach industry to show its solidarity with the people of Ukraine that are caught up in this conflict. We have worked hard to come up with a plan that will result in getting these vehicles modified, equipped, and transported to Ukraine. All we need now are more buses and coaches!”

If you would like to donate a vehicle in support of the APPG’s appeal, please contact Paul Sainthouse – 01908 218111 or via email paulsainthouse@dawsongroup.co.uk.